Aoyama Gakuin College of Economics students entering from the work force Present

世界の料理 the world Food


2.ムサカ  MUSAKA



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Created  by Yoshie O.




    写真 山口 真弘









Moussaka is a traditional eggplant-based dish in the Balkans and the Middle East. The Greek version, which is the best-known outside the region, consists of layers of ground lamb, sliced eggplant, and tomato, topped with a white sauce and baked. Turkish Moussaka, unlike the Greek version, is not layered. In the Arab world, moussaka is a cooked salad made up primarily of tomatoes and eggplant. The Macedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Bosnian and Romanian versions are made with potatoes instead of eggplant. Despite its Arabic name, moussaka is usually thought of as a Greek dish in the West.


In the standard (3-layer) Greek recipe, the bottom layer consists of eggplant slices sautéed in olive oil, the middle layer is ground lamb cooked with mashed potatoes, and the top layer is béchamel sauce (probably introduced by Tselementes in the 1920s). The butter in the béchamel can be omitted, used sparingly, or substituted by cream. In the rest of the Balkans, the top layer is often a custard; in England, in rare cases a layer of mashed potatoes is used instead. Grated cheese or bread crumbs are often sprinkled on top.


There are variations on this basic recipe, sometimes with no sauce, sometimes with other vegetables. The most common variant in Greece may include zucchini , potatoes or mushrooms in addition to the eggplant. There is even a fast-day version in the Greek cookbook by Tselementes which includes neither meat nor sauce, just vegetables (ground eggplant is used instead of ground meat), tomato sauce, and bread crumbs.







〜ムサカについて〜        引用:フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア』

パルテノン アテネにあるアシーナ神の神殿。           引用:重箱之隅観察記録



 ミコノス島 ロバ


     写真  山口 真弘



Moussaka Quiz

Moussaka Quiz

Choose the correct answer.

1. Moussaka is a traditional eggplant-based dish in _____________ and the Middle East.

a: Australia

b: The Balkans

c: Africa

2. Greek Moussaka consists of layers of _____________, sliced eggplant, and tomato, topped with a white sauce and bake.

a: sliced raw fish

b: fried chicken

c: ground lamb

3. The standard Greek recipe of Moussaka consists of ______________.

a: 3-layers

b: 35-layers

c: 20-layers


    béchamel sauce ベシャメルソース    Greek  ギリシアの    Turkish  トルコ風の

   Tselementes   ツェレメンテス(フランス料理人)      sautéed ソテ−した

   substituted by  〜で代用された    sprinkled  ちりばめた

   a fast-day version   断食用の    Greece  ギリシア

Mousska T or F

True or False Quiz

1. Turkish Moussaka, unlike the Greek version, is not layered.

or ?

2. Despite its Chinese name, moussaka is usually thought of as a Greek dish in the West.

or ?

3.In the Arab world, moussaka is a cooked salad made up primarily of tomatoes and eggplant.

or ?

4. There is even a fast-day version which includes neither meat nor sauce, just vegetables, tomato sauce, and bread crumbs.

or ?

サントリーニ島  エーゲ海に沈む夕日を眺めることができる。引用:かって気ままに世界旅行   写真 山口 真弘