Ham history





紀元前3500年ごろにはバビロニアやエジプトに生ハムが生まれたといわれています。 古代中国では、4800年前から豚が飼育され、「鹹(ハン)」というハムらしきものが作られていたといいます。ハムの語源はこの「鹹(ハン)」という説もありますが、定かではありません。

Choose the correct answer.

1. Ham history

Domestication of pigs for food dates back to 4900 B.C. in _____________ and by 1500 B.C., Europe had followed suit.

@ China
A Italia
B Germany

2. 「Jamón ibérico

Jamón ibérico is a cured ham produced only in ___________.

@ Italia
A Spain
B France

3. This peculiar breed of pigs, famous for their ____________ hooves ("pata negra") as well as their black skin and hair, are descendants of the Mediterranean wild boar.

@ brown
A white
B black

4. Every Spaniard eats about ____________ kilograms of cured ham per year.

@ 3 
A 5
B 7

5. That is __________ what the Italians eat.

@ triple
A double
B four times

6. The people of the Iberian Peninsula ate pork and ham in their diet, even in the _____________.

@ modern age
A mid-age
B Roman era

7. It is made from the Black Iberian Pig also called the cerdo negro or black pig, the only breed of pig that naturally seeks, opens and eats mainly ___________.

@ acorns
A ginkgo nuts
B much room

8.Technically, ham is the __________ and buttock of any animal that is slaughtered for meat, but the term is usually restricted to a cut of pork, the haunch of a pig or boar.

@ prop odium
A abdomen
B thigh

9.Prosciutto (IPA: [proˈʃutːo]) is the Italian word for ham, used in English to refer to dry-cured ham (prosciutto crudo).
In American English usage, the term is used more narrowly for a ____________ ham from central and northern Italy, the two most common kinds being Prosciutto di Parma and Prosciutto di San Daniele.

@ dry‐cured
A smoked
B smoke drying

10. Among Easter foods the most significant is the Easter lamb, which is in many places the main dish of the Easter Sunday meal. Corresponding to the Passover lamb and to Christ, the Lamb of God, this dish has become a central symbol of Easter. Also popular among European and Americans on Easter is ham, because the pig was considered a symbol of ___________ in pre-Christian Europe.

@ god
A money
B luck




created by S.N