今回調べたのは、West Indian Manateeです。 昔、マナティーは人魚と思われていて、神秘的な生物でした。
しかし、ボートとの衝突等により数が 急速に減ってきているので、生態について調べてみました。

West Indian Manatee(ウエストインディアンマナティー)

Choose the correct answer.

Q1. Due to ______ reproductive rates, a decline in manatee population may be hard to overcome.

a) low

b) high

c) no

Q2. The average West Indian Manatee is approximately 3 meters long, and weighs between 400 and 600 kg, with females generally ____ than males. The largest individuals can weigh up to 1,500 kg.

a) larger

b) smaller

c) equal

Q3.As the West Indian Manatee's name implies, the West Indian Manatee lives in the___.

a) West Indies

b) South Indies

c) North Indies

Q4. West Indian Manatee generally llives in ____________ coastal areas.

a) narrow

b) shallow

c) deep

Q5. West Indian Manatee are known to withstand large changes in water salinity, and they have been found in shallow rivers and estuaries. However, they are limited to the__________.

a) frigid zones

b) tropics and sub-tropics

c) arctic zones

Q6. Female West Indian manatee gives birth every _________ years.

a) 2 to 5

b) 1 to 2

c) 5 to 8

Q7. Manatees feed on abrasive plants, their _________ are often worn down and are continually replaced throughout life. They are also known to eat invertebrates and fish.

a) front teeth

b) molars

c) milk teeth

Q8. Most females breed successfully between the ages of ___________, however, females are capable of reproduction as early as four years of age.

a) 7 and 9

b) 9 and 11

c) 15 and 20

Q9. Normally, _________ calf is born, although on rare occasions two have been recorded.

a) one

b) three

c) four

Q10. The West Indian Manatee has been hunted for hundreds of years for _________ and hide, and continues to be hunted to this day in Central and South America. Illegal poaching, as well as collisions with speeding motorboats, is a constant source of manatee fatalities.

a) meat

b) medicine

c) oil

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